U.S. seeing rise in COVID-19 cases, only 2 states reporting decline

  • 4 years ago
'코로나19 재확산' 미 36개 주서 환자 증가세…감소는 2개 주뿐

With the global COVID-19 numbers surpassing 10-million over the weekend,... the number of infections in the United States is still spiking.
Only two states Connecticut and Rhode Island reporting a decline in new cases compared to last week.
Twelve were stable.
Of the 36 reporting rises, Florida reported over 18-thousand new cases this weekend alone,... a number which rivals those of New York's peak in early April.
New York reported the lowest number of deaths since March 15,... with 5,... while hospitalizations were below 900.
The latest surge has led at least 12 states halting or rolling back their reopening plans.
