This year's heatwave may be record breaking _ 071718

  • 6 years ago
날씨: 올 폭염 역대 급 가능성 보여

Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates. Michelle, the hottest year on record in Korea was 1994, when temperatures exceeded 33 degrees Celsius for over a month
The second hottest was 2016. The experts are saying this summer might be record-breaking too.

Daniel, when it's this hot, we usually get torrential rain that comes and cools us down. But it's been a week and there's no sign of any precipitation. And today being Chobok in Korea, one of the first hottest days of the year, it's steaming out there and heatwave warnings have spread.

Tomorrow is going to be just as hot as today, and there'll be high UV levels. Beijing and Tokyo are no different heat-wise,... but Beijing has rain in the forecast.

It'll even be hot in the morning. Seoul beginning the day at 24 degrees Celsius, and similar or hotter across the country.

There's about a 10-degree jump by noon. Seoul reaching 34, Gwangju and Daegu way hotter at 36 and 37 degrees, respectively.

No sign of it getting any cooler. In fact, by next week, it's going to get even hotter with constant tropical nights, which is when the lows don't fall below 25 degrees Celsius.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
