How to Do Push Ups on Bosu - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
How to Do Push Ups on Bosu - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

I'm Yvonne from Elements Diet and Fitness in Manassas, Virginia, and today Melodie and I are going to demonstrate doing a Push up on the Bosu trainer. So Melodie, if you would kneel. We're going to start out with our Push up from the knees, putting our hands on the either side of the Bosu, as you've noticed we have flipped it over. So she wants to keep her shoulders either behind or no further than the hands. So coming down, she's going to bring the chest straight over the Bosu, keeping the Bosu ball stable. She's stabilizing the shoulder joints, keeping her back straight and her belly in. Now she can progress that to a full push-up and coming all the way down keeping that same great form. And there you have the Push-up on the Bosu trainer.