S. Korea, U.S. to establish working-level consultative body for talks at any time

  • 4 years ago
한미, 실무 협의체 '동맹대화' 신설키로..."동맹 현안 상시 공조"

South Korea and the U.S. are setting up a new working-level consultative body to facilitate a constant stream of two-way communication.
Meeting in Washington Thursday,... South Korea's First Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun and his U.S. counterpart Stephen Biegun agreed to establish the "Alliance Dialogue" for talks between director-level officials.
The allies face a series of pending issues,... including stalled defense cost-sharing negotiations, the Korean peace process,... and other regional issues.
They also agreed to closely work together to resume dialogue with North Korea.
South Korea's foreign ministry added Choi invited Biegun to Seoul for a follow-up meeting at a later date.
