Detailed strategy can help overcome trade war: President Moon

  • 5 years ago
문 대통령 "준비하면 무역분쟁도 이길 수 있다" WTO 승소 치하

President Moon Jae-in praised a team of officials for winning in a recent dispute with Japan at the World Trade Organization over a ban on seafood imports from areas affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima.
Speaking to his top aides,... the South Korean leader lauded related ministries and panel of experts for their work in overturning the initial decision made a year ago,..when a lower panel said that Seoul was "unfairly" discriminatory against Japanese products.
According to a deputy spokesperson, the president also pointed out he'd like government officials to "have confidence that (they) can win in a trade dispute if they make thorough preparations,"
