The mysterious facts of Sudarshan Chakra | Sudarshan Chakra Story | Artha
  • 5 years ago
Sudarshana Chakra is one of the most potent weapons in Hindu religion. We have heard various legends related to the origins of the Sudarshana Chakra. So let's know some of the unknown facts of Sudarshan Chakra through this video.

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1 Sudarshana Chakra is a spinning disk-like weapon, owned by Lord Vishnu and it has 108 scored edges

2 Sudarshana Chakra is also described as Kalachakra ( the disk of time), which consists of twelve rays and six centers.

3 The twelve rays of this Chakra represent the twelve months and the six centers represent the six seasons.

4 The literal meaning of Sanskrit word ‘Sudarshana’ is a vision of which is auspicious.

5 Few of the scriptures claim that it was created through a combination of the powers of Trimurti and Brihaspati.

6 It is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana that Vishwakarma created the Chakra from the Sun-dust.

7 According to Mahabharata, Agnidev presented Lord Krishna with the Chakra and Kaumodaki for helping him.

8 Shiva Purana states that Lord Shiva gave Sudarshan Chakra to Lord Vishnu as a boon.

9 This Chakra is portrayed either settled on Lord Krishna’s little finger or on Lord Vishnu’s index finger.

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