S. Korea to invest US$ 61 bil. by 2025 to become net-zero society

  • 4 years ago
신재생 에너지•미래차로 '그린뉴딜' 이끈다... 5년간 73조 투자, 새 일자리 66만개

One of the key pillars of the Korean New Deal is "green."
Responding to climate change while boosting industrial competitiveness, the environment and trade ministries have laid out detailed plans to make South Korea a so called 'net-zero society'.
The five-year, 61 billion U.S. dollar plan includes building zero-energy public facilities and smart schools.
The government will also adopt green tech for buildings and city infrastructure so South Korea has 25 'smart green cities.'
Renewable sources, mainly solar, wind and hydrogen, will be the country's go-to energy.
More eco-friendly future mobility will be secured, including over a million electric cars.
The government will also set up 10 'smart green' industrial complexes and more than 17-hundred 'green factories.'
