One-on-one with UN Environment's Chief of Energy and Climate Mark Radka

  • 5 years ago
And, we have a special guest on Arirang News for the green growth sustainable development goals week. Live in the studio with us is Mark Radka, chief of the UN Environment's Energy and Climate Branch.
At the UN Environment, Mark manages the organization's efforts to link the global energy and environment agendas.
Mark Radka, welcome to the program.
The UN General Assembly last month placed heavy emphasis on the need for stronger climate action. It's been four years since the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement was reached.
Are you satisified with the progress made by the international community since then? Is the global community on track to reaching the goals set out in the sustainable development agenda?
There has been a share of criticism around the world that there's a lack of action by governments. Of course, we've also seen the United States, one of the world's leading greenhouse gas emitting nation, withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord. What have been some of the major setbacks?
How crucial is it, at this point, for countries to come up with ways to actively decarbonize their industries and economies? What kind of steps are critical?
What kind of innovations or technologies do you think can help us overcome the environmental challenges we face?
Korea in the late 2000's introduced the Green Growth Initiative, aiming to transform its high-carbon industries into high-tech green economy. This initiative, however, has lost steam over the past decade. Do you have any recommendations for Korea, in going forward?
Mark Radka, chief of the UN Environment's Energy and Climate Branch, many thanks for taking the time to make a studio appearance on Arirang News and for your valuable insights. We appreciate it.
