In-depth: Global market wrap-up

  • 5 years ago
증시 대담

It's time now for an in-depth look at the global markets on this Friday.
And for that, I'm joined on the line by Dr. Kim Sei-wan, professor of economics at Ewha Womans University.
Dr. Kim, thank you for joining us today.
Thank you.
This week, data showed the first slowdown in American manufacturing in three years. Some see that as a possible sign of a broader slowdown. If that were to happen, Korea, with its heavy dependence on other countries, would be affected in a pretty big way, wouldn't it?
Now, America is sort of setting the pace on interest rate cuts for countries around the world. The Federal Reserve, at least, is staying optimistic about the U.S. What do you think about that?
Now, on Friday in the U.S., Fed chairman Powell will be giving a speech. What do you think he might have to say?
This week we saw Korea's consumer inflation for the first time fall to zero. Or maybe lower than that, in reality. What's causing that and what can be done about it?
The government plans to spend an extra 2 billion dollars this year to try and revive the economy. But this has some worried about the state's fiscal soundness. What kind of constraints might the government face, and what generally should we be watching? Alright, Dr. Kim. That's where we're going to have to leave it today.
Thank you very much, as always, for coming on.