Heavy rain wets the whole nation _ 082718

  • 6 years ago
Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update. It's been a rainy day in Korea, Jeolla-do Province, especially. It's under heavy rain alert and getting 50 millimeters per hour.

The rain clouds will linger through tomorrow,... pouring 200 millimeters on the Chungcheong-do Provinces -- Seoul and the southern regions between 30 and 80 millimeters.

The rain is concentrated in the southern region today but that's expected to move up to the capital region. At the same time, Beijing will be dry and partly sunny while Tokyo gets thunder and rain.

Seoul will begin the morning at 23 degrees Celsius tomorrow,... but the southern region will be hotter. Busan 25 and Jeju 26 degrees.

The nation's daytime highs will be between 26 and 32 degrees tomorrow. With more rain coming down in the capital.

This week is expected to stay wet. Those of you in the central region should take an umbrella until Thursday and in the southern regions until Friday.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
