"A Medley of Perfection" - Shen Yun in Paris, France

  • 13 years ago
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Shen Yun Performing Arts 2011 global tour has been well received in the U.S., Canada, Australasia, Taiwan, and also Europe. NTD is a sponsor of the Chinese classical dance company's performances in most of the countries it visits. So now, we bring you some comments from audience members from Paris's art community.

Shen Yun Performing Arts put on four shows at Paris's Palais des Congrès de Paris.

[Nicole Bernard, Gallery Owner & Former Dancer]:
"It's a medley of perfection. It's not often that I can say something like that, but here I can say it... It is really very, very great value at different levels. A kind of perfection, I have to say. It's quite uncommon to have a show as complete as this one. All this is dance, classical dance at its highest level... The musicians were always very capable; the tenor of course, the soprano... many things from different fields (of art) were included. I really think that you have brought together (the/these) arts."

A famous French literature professor also commented on the show.

[Myriam Choukroun, Famous French Literature Professor]:
"It's not enough to only have technical skills, one's body must also express feelings, and that's what I found among these dancers... The girls dance with everything, their souls, their hearts, their bodies... Everything in their behavior precisely expresses this humanitarian behavior, that I believe is fundamental in our time, that we are lacking."

A classical dance professor was also impressed.

[Anne Marie Selle, Classical Dance Professor]:
"I am touched by everything, by everything that I have seen because everything is beautiful. Everything is very, very, very beautiful."

NTD News, Paris, France.
