Chilly start to October _ 100118

  • 6 years ago
Good morning. The first day of October is kicking off on a very chilly note. Morning lows in Seoul started out just above 10 degrees Celsius. Highs will also be hovering below the seasonal averages so dress warmly.

Some of the central region is forecast to see morning drizzle. Skies will clear during the afternoon in many regions, so let's take a closer look at today's digits.

Checking on today's temperatures, the morning low in Chuncheon was at 9 degrees Celsius, those in Daejeon and Daegu will need carry out an umbrella just in case.

Highs won't rise much, Seoul will see highs in the teens, Chuncheon will only make it to 18 degrees while the rest of country will see highs getting up to low twenties.

Morning chill continues into Tuesday, but the first week of October is looking promising with big gaps in readings under bright skies.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.