Heavy snow in Daegu and PyeongChang _ 030818

  • 6 years ago
We'll get to our main stories in just a moment,... but let's get a check on the weather first,... as we are seeing some extreme conditions in certain regions.
Most of Korea had some spring rain overnight, but some areas in the east of the country, including Daegu and PyeongChang, have been covered in a thick blanket of snow.
For more, let's go live to Lee Jee-hyun at the weather center for the latest updates. Jee-hyun, give us the details on this spring snow we are seeing...

Good morning. While those of us in the west woke up to some light showers, regions in the east of Korea are seeing some snow... in fact, many parts of Gyeongsang-do and Gangwon-do provinces are seeing heavy snowfall.

Let's talk a bit more about this spring snow. Heavy snow advisories have been issued for Daegu and many places in the east of the country, and more snow is expected to fall in those areas throughout the day.

Mountainous regions of Gangwon-do Province and the east coast could see up to 20 centimeters of heavy snowfall, and PyeongChang, where the Paralympics will kick off on Friday, is also covered with a thick blanket of snow.

And along with the snow and rain there's been a big drop in temperatures, especially for the southern regions. Busan and Jeju will only reach highs of 8 degrees Celsius, while Seoul will get up to 9 degrees, with some sun expected in the afternoon.

Back to you, Mark.