God Should Sue Roy Moore

  • 6 years ago
God Should Sue Roy Moore
The Alabama state auditor, a Republican named Jim Ziegler, defended Moore as “clean as a hound’s tooth” and offered a bizarre defense of child abuse: He asserted
that the Virgin Mary was a teenager when Joseph married her (in fact, the Bible does not indicate her age), adding: “They became parents of Jesus.”
When Christians cite the Bible to defend child molestation, Jesus should sue for defamation.
For decades, one of the most sanctimonious moralizers in American politics has been Roy Moore, the longtime
Bible-thumper in Alabama who crusaded against gays, transgender people, Islam and “sexual perversion.”
Moore suggested just this year that the 9/11 terror attacks were God’s punishment because “we legitimize sodomy.” He has said
that homosexuality is “the same thing” as sex with a cow and should be criminalized, and argued that Representative Keith Ellison should not be allowed to serve in Congress because he is a Muslim.
If evangelical Christians want to engage in activism, they needn’t support hypocrites
and bigots; they can support lifesaving organizations like World Vision or African Mission Healthcare Foundation, or fight human trafficking by supporting International Justice Mission, or reduce abortions by backing the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
And, frankly, it’s just staggering to see “family values” conservatives making excuses for child molestation.
That’s not always true, and sanctimonious hypocrites inhabit the left as well as the right: Harvey Weinstein participated in a “women’s march.”
But we’re at a watershed moment in the aftermath of the Weinstein case, trying to end impunity for sexual assault, and allegations against our leaders are even more serious than those against our entertainers.
I used to complain that conservatives believe that morality is about only personal behavior,
while liberals believe it is only about policy positions, while actually it’s about both.
