Democratic Convention: What to watch for on day two

  • 8 years ago
Democratic Convention: What to watch for on day two Does Bill Clinton have another vintage performance in him?
While the former president has occasionally created campaign headaches for his wife’s team, he’s a powerful asset, uniquely fitted to testify to her strengths.
For a generation now, it’s a safe bet that if it’s a Democratic convention, Mr. Clinton will make a speech people will remember.
Will the Bernie-or-bust calls continue?
Mr. Sanders is unlikely to get another prime-time address this week.
His supporters, though, are probably not done talking.
Furious at a primary process they still view as stacked against Sanders and highlighted by the revelations uncovered in DNC emails, many of the senator’s most dedicated admirers have set out to condemn Mrs. Clinton at every opportunity in Philadelphia.
Can the roll-call vote heal wounds?
Sanders’s delegates will get the chance to back him in a roll-call vote on Tuesday, a symbolic gesture meant to recognize the strength of Sanders’s support as the former rival campaigns negotiate peace.
The Clinton campaign welcomes the vote.
Can an emotional speaking roster shift the tone?
In a week of tough political speakers, Tuesday’s lineup includes a more emotional entry: mothers who have lost children in clashes with the police or in other gun violence.
