Lose Weight After Pregnancy and Tips | Yoga In German

  • 8 years ago
After giving birth, you may still have some fat and weight leftover you can get rid of. Burn off excess baby weight with help from a professional fitness trainer in this free video.

Tip : Exercise
You should incorporate both aerobic and strength training exercises if you want to lose your baby weight fast. These exercises will help you to burn calories and help in keeping your muscles and bones strong.
Exercise doesn't necessarily mean hitting the gym; taking a brisk walk is more than adequate to get your heart pumping and your muscles flexing.

Pregnancy may bring some obvious weight gain, however obese women are usually told not gain much weight during pregnancy. Ideal weight gain during pregnancy can be anything from 6 kgs to11 kgs, while some women may gain up to 15 kgs -22 kgs. The expert dispels the myth that a pregnant woman must eat for two and recommends a balanced diet during pregnancy. The weight gain should be ideal as it's very difficult to lose post pregnant weight and may require lot of hard work.
