Lose Weight In 4 Weeks || Week 4 - Day 2 || Ardha Kati Chakrasana + Utkatasana

  • 10 years ago
Want to lose those extra kilos in killer time?
All it takes is some patience, lots of dedication and a celebrity yoga expert for company. Yoga expert Shammi Gupta brings a 4 week series where she shares a bunch of tricks to help you lose weight

But the fun does not end here!
Measure your calories & the biggest "loser" of all wins exciting prizes!

Week 4 Day 2-
For Day 2 of Week 4 Shammi recommends two very simple postures meant to help you have toned up legs. These are:

Ardha Kati Chakrasana



What is Ardha Kati Chakrasana?
Ardha means half. Kati means waist. Charka means wheel. In this posture the body forms a half wheel with the waist & hence the name. It basically works to strengthen legs

What is Utkatasana?
Utkatasana is often called "Chair Pose." To the external eye, it looks like a yogi sitting in an imaginary chair. When you do the pose, however, it is definitely not a cushy, passive ride. A deep squat, Utkatasana immediately engages the strength of your legs, back, and ankles.

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