13- Henry Kissinger wala model kese toren ?ماڈل کیسے توڑیں (Guftugu-e-Wasif Ali Wasif) IN URDU

  • 4 years ago
This video is part of “Guftugu” -which is consisted of a unique lecture series of Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif- who used to conduct question-answer sessions محفل گفتگو in specially arranged gatherings at Lahore attended by the notable community of intellectual, writers and seekers of truth from various walks of life. Luckily most of these sessions were recorded in audio and transcriptions of these sessions were later as Guftagoo (گفتگو) series. His mehfils never had a pre-set subject nor did he ever delivered sermons on a chosen topics. His way was to ask people if they had any question; and then he used to respond to these quarries and curiosities in his highly original style. He mastered in resolving paradoxes of intellect, thought and beliefs.