Greetings in the name of Jesus, the one true God according to scriptures (1 John 5:20, Jeremiah 10:10). I am Prophet H. Walker, pastor and overseer of True Light Pentecost Church. Thank you for allowing me to come into your homes. I know that this site will be a blessing to you and to all who truly seek to know the perfect will of God. These are evil times, for the word of God is being compromised as never before. Moral standards concerning holiness has left the church and doctrine is no longer taught. My weekly newsletters I know will open your understanding concerning false religion that is common in the houses of God today.

Also, I would like to take the time to mention my book Some Shall Depart, a study in the decline of the original church of the apostles, the heathen festivals like Christmas and Easter, openly taught for doctrine when there is no bible record for such. Also, the deity of Christ, revealing the truth that is hid from many, that Jesus is Almighty.