• 5 years ago
10-12-2018 FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE ENTITLED, DEVIL'S TRAP, MUST SEE !!! Prophet H. Walker, God's final messenger, teaches that without correct guidance from leadership God has chosen to teach those seeking after the righteousness of God/TRUE SALVATION/HOLINESS, and when correct guidance is rejected people go on their own head-long way to fall prey to the many. many false preachers out there on television, social media, and in a neighborhood near you who are wolves in sheep's clothing, like Satan, deceitful workers of iniquity, who are only interested in stealing from, robbing, (spiritually, and sometimes physically)killing, and destroying the people they entrap, and who foolishly follow after them. But, thank God for Prophet H. Walker who preaches, and teaches the unadulterated word of God for the soul to be saved, and not for personal finance/filthy lucre. All of you seekers of the truth in Christ Jesus pack a suit case and come immediately to True Light Pentecost Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina, or Atlanta Georgia, and be taught, and guided by God's very own Prophet H. Walker before it is everlasting too late.
