
I am hosting a few popular Indian songs (mostly from Bollywood movies) with guitar accompaniment on this site with a view to popularise songs which are not composed for guitar.

I love playing acoustic guitar to provide a wholesome rhythm with some melodic leads for the intro, bridge and outro. I don't have a good singing voice that limits my singing ability.
Please leave a comment if you like any aspect of guitar music or the song. I am happy to provide help with all music videos uploaded under my name XNTIEMXTRA.

If you are looking for bollywood songs with guitar solo accompaniment, please visit my XNTIEM channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/xntiem and to improvise on acoustic guitar with Indian songs in general, please visit XNTIEM2 channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/xntiem2

I HATE YOUTUBE! Since it's been taken up by the world's greatest exploiter GOOGLE. It's just that I haven't got time nor money to take the suckers to court. I'm waiting for one of those days when Youtube is bought off from GOOGLE.