Afghan Policewoman Kills U.S. Aide

  • 11 years ago
An Afghan policewoman shot and killed a civilian US contractor at the police headquarters in Kabul.

Full Story:

An Afghan policewoman killed a US police advisor in police headquarters of Kabul, the latest of insider attacks committed against foreign allies.

Identified as Sgt. Nargas, NATO officials say the woman arrived at the compound looking for the location of the governor or police chief.

The walled compound houses the governor's office, police headquarters, courts and a prison.

Unable to find them, she fired one bullet at the US aide as he exited a shop.

She continued to fire at arresting officers, but was apprehended and taken into custody.

It appears to be the first time an insider attack was committed by a female member of Afghanistan's security forces.

At least 52 members of the International Security Assistance Force have been killed this year by Afghans wearing police or army uniforms, incidents that have strained the trust between coalition and Afghan forces.

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