Will Bodyguard Be Salman Khan- Kareena Kapoor’s First Hit As A Pair? - Latest Bollywood News

  • 13 years ago
Will Bodyguard Be Salman Khan- Kareena Kapoor’s First Hit As A Pair? - Latest Bollywood News. Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor haven’t created much chemistry together in their previous films like Kyon Ki and Mein Aur Mrs Khanna, and once again these two will be seen together in Bodyguard. Will this movie be a dud like their earlier flicks or be super-duper hit like Dabangg, Wanted and Ready, thus breaking the jinx?. Check it out. Regular Facebook Updates http://www.facebook.com/RajshriDotCom. Watch more http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4E87895D45C52ECE for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailers.
