Do 100 Burpees Every Day and This Will Happen to Your Body

  • il y a 8 mois
Do 100 Burpees Every Day and This Will Happen to Your Body

If there’s one bodyweight exercise that everyone can universally agree is challenging, it’s the burpee. Burpees, which are a staple in metabolic conditioning and bodyweight workouts, essentially involve performing a jump squat and a push-up together back-to-back in one move or can be thought of as sequencing a squat, push-up, and vertical jump in a row. Burpees appear in the lineup of many CrossFit workouts, many Met-Con workouts, and many at-home cardio workouts due to the cardiovascular and metabolic demand of the exercise, yet burpees are also common in regular strength training workouts due to the total body strengthening nature of the exercise as well. There are many benefits of burpees, which is why this challenging exercise deserves a spot in your workout routine. If you’re looking for efficient exercises that will help get you shredded, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of burpees, how to do burpees, and useful tips for doing burpees.

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