Those women who said that Brij Bhushan has not done anything, can these women live with Brij Bhushan? There was no agitation for women’s right to vote. It was given already. Gandhi made the women join the freedom movement. This was a progressive initiative. The BJP says that they made a tribal woman the President of India. But why did the same tribal women President kept a mum when there were atrocities against tribal women in Manipur? This is a political challenge. The women anchors keep saying that why are the leaders from the Congress silent on atrocities against women in Rajasthan. This is whataboutry. Atrocities against women can happen anywhere but how the govt. reacts to the atrocities, it tells us the mindset of the govt. Therefore, the difference between Congress and the BJP is not just on the party basis but it is on the basis of ideology.
#KanhaiyaKumar #BrijBhushan #PMModi #Congress #BJP #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #AmitShah #WrestlersProtest #Manipur #HWNews
#KanhaiyaKumar #BrijBhushan #PMModi #Congress #BJP #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #AmitShah #WrestlersProtest #Manipur #HWNews
00:00 You tell me, the women who were saying that Brij Bhushan did nothing,
00:08 will they be able to live with Brij Bhushan?
00:11 Will they be able to spend their lives with him?
00:14 What is happening in our society today, we need to understand it very seriously.
00:20 The rights that we have got one by one without fighting,
00:25 in this country there was no women's movement for equal voting rights.
00:31 When the constitution was being written, the right to vote was given.
00:36 In this country, there will be 15 women in the constitution assembly,
00:41 there was no movement for this.
00:43 Mahatma Gandhi with his initiative,
00:47 at that time our Akhil Bharatiya Mahila Sangh was not there,
00:53 the women's congress was not there at that time.
00:55 But Gandhiji took the women out of the house and included them in his movement.
01:02 And you know, the picketing movement against alcoholism,
01:08 was a movement of women in its entirety.
01:10 Women used to go and close the liquor shops.
01:14 Bringing women in the mainstream of politics,
01:18 was a progressive thought.
01:20 Because of this progressive thought, the constitution was created,
01:24 in which the representation of women was ensured.
01:27 And this was a progressive democracy,
01:29 that in America till date, America says that we are the most modern country in the world,
01:34 we are the owners of modernity,
01:37 in America till date no woman has been able to become president,
01:41 and in our country a woman became president,
01:43 and on that basis, BJP got the right to say that
01:47 we are making a tribal woman president.
01:50 But the question is,
01:54 if a tribal woman has been made president of this country,
01:59 then when the atrocities were happening in Manipur,
02:02 why has the honourable president kept quiet?
02:06 This is a political challenge.
02:08 We will have to understand this political challenge.
02:11 And we should understand that making a wing does not mean that we are a flower pot,
02:20 that when the leader is about to come,
02:23 he calls four women and makes them lose their minds.
02:27 We are not a flower pot,
02:29 that you can make four people sit in the front and punish us.
02:34 We are a leaf that you can put on top of a biryani,
02:37 and when it starts eating, you can take it out.
02:39 This is a question of representation.
02:42 We will have to take the question of representation seriously.
02:45 And if we take it seriously,
02:47 then the question arises of political culture.
02:51 Did you see?
02:53 All the anchors, what are they doing on TV?
02:57 They are saying that you are speaking on Manipur,
02:59 not on Rajasthan.
03:01 What is Rajasthan?
03:03 If there is any atrocity on women in any corner of the world,
03:07 then we will raise questions on it without any political lag.
03:11 We will say that this is our right.
03:14 You are doing this what about reach.
03:17 You are trying to show that
03:19 stealing,
03:21 being a thief,
03:23 and being a rapist is one thing.
03:25 It is not one.
03:27 Someone's purse was stolen,
03:29 and someone was raped.
03:31 Are these two crimes one?
03:33 The survivors,
03:35 their entire life is ruined.
03:39 The question is not only of the body,
03:41 the question is of their mentality.
03:43 The question is of psychology.
03:45 We will have to understand this.
03:47 And they are trying to make both the crimes one.
03:52 We will have to understand its seriousness.
03:55 We will have to understand its seriousness,
03:57 that where did all this come from?
04:00 What is the mentality behind it?
04:02 Our National President also said this.
04:05 And Sachin also said this.
04:07 What do we believe?
04:09 What do we think?
04:11 If we think that
04:13 the Goddess of wealth is Lakshmi,
04:17 and the Goddess of knowledge is Saraswati,
04:20 then when the Goddess of wealth was Lakshmi,
04:23 then why was the right to property not given?
04:26 This question should be asked.
04:29 When the Goddess of knowledge is Saraswati,
04:32 then why was the right to education not given to men and women?
04:36 When we think this,
04:38 then we will understand
04:40 that freedom has not been given in gifts.
04:44 The right to citizenship has not been given in gifts.
04:48 The right to participate in politics has not been given in gifts.
04:53 The people who were running the movement at that time,
04:56 it was their mentality
04:59 that if our women do not have a sari to wear.
05:04 When Gandhi went to Champaran with Kasturba,
05:07 then Gandhi asked Kasturba,
05:10 that tell me why do women not come to our program?
05:14 Then Kasturba said that there is so much poverty,
05:18 that there is only one sari to go out.
05:22 All women cannot go out once.
05:25 So no one wants to come out except all women.
05:29 And I will end my story by saying one story,
05:33 with that you will understand the situation yourself.
05:36 Once there was a wedding in my house,
05:39 all the men had to go to the wedding procession.
05:42 This has started today,
05:44 that now in the son's wedding,
05:46 the mother also becomes the wedding procession,
05:48 and the sister also becomes the wedding procession.
05:50 This did not happen before.
05:52 I remember in my childhood,
05:55 when there were weddings in the house,
05:57 all the men used to go,
05:59 and all the women used to stay.
06:01 I was not well,
06:03 and I could not go to the wedding procession that day.
06:06 I had a fever and I was sleeping in the heat.
06:10 After a while I saw that when the wedding procession has left,
06:13 then the sound of singing is coming in our house.
06:16 The plates are playing, the drum is playing,
06:19 and people are singing and dancing.
06:22 Out of curiosity,
06:25 I went and quietly went to the door and started watching.
06:29 And I was so surprised,
06:31 that the mother who kept me in the womb for 9 months,
06:35 gave her every breath,
06:37 gave blood, gave sweat,
06:39 kept me in the womb for 9 months and gave birth to me,
06:42 fed me daily,
06:44 cleaned the kitchen,
06:46 taught me,
06:48 and I did not know that my mother sings.
06:52 I did not know that the aunt who kept me in the womb,
06:56 dances.
06:59 And that folk culture,
07:02 that folk culture is so strong,
07:05 that women used to get time to express their inner beauty,
07:10 to express their inner love.
07:13 In a society where you do not have the right to express your feelings,
07:18 bringing women into politics is a challenging task.
07:23 And the more we are moving forward,
07:26 this is a matter of thought,
07:28 which says that during the Nirbhaya Kand,
07:31 if she had apologised to that rapist by calling him 'brother',
07:36 then his life would have been saved.
07:38 When people of the same mentality are sitting in power today,
07:41 do you think that the law that was passed for the justice of Nirbhaya,
07:46 could have been a law?
07:48 It could have been a law because the leadership of Congress was in the hands of Sonia Gandhi.
07:52 Remember this.
07:54 This is a question of leadership.
07:56 This is a question of leadership.
07:58 If the leadership was in the hands of Indira Gandhi,
08:01 if the leadership was in the hands of Sonia Gandhi,
08:04 then women got the right to move forward.
08:06 And today the leadership is in the hands of a man,
08:09 who ran away from his wife,
08:11 then what will happen to women's rights?
08:13 You can understand this very well.
08:15 That is why I am talking about political culture.
08:18 Crimes can be committed anywhere.
08:20 Crimes can be committed in Chhattisgarh,
08:22 in Rajasthan,
08:24 in Manipur,
08:25 in Madhya Pradesh.
08:27 But how is the police's investigation going on after the crime?
08:31 What is the government saying about it?
08:33 What is the spokesperson of the party government saying?
08:37 We have to pay attention to this.
08:39 And there is no difference between the Congress and the BJP.
08:43 We have to understand that there is a difference of opinion.
08:46 And if we have faith in equality,
08:49 if we feel that the rapists should not be made ministers, chief ministers, MPs and MLAs,
08:56 then the 2024 election is not an election of the existence of the Congress party.
09:01 The 2024 election is a question of the existence of this country for us women, for all the citizens.
09:08 It is a question of the existence of the Constitution.
09:10 We have to understand this.
09:11 And the things we are struggling with,
09:13 whether it is inflation,
09:15 whether it is unemployment,
09:16 we have to go home with all those questions.
09:20 And the right that the Constitution has given us,
09:22 of equal opportunity,
09:23 of respect,
09:24 of unity,
09:25 of partnership,
09:27 we have to take it forward.
09:29 And the slogan you have put,
09:31 half the population, full right,
09:33 on behalf of our party and NSY,
09:36 we are standing in full support with this demand.
09:39 And you will join us in this struggle.
09:42 With these words, I will end my talk.
09:45 Thank you.
09:46 Long live the revolution.
09:47 Jai Hind.
09:48 Jai Congress.
09:49 Jai Women Power.
09:50 Jai Bharati.
09:52 Jai Hind.
09:54 [Music]