00:00 Okay, so today I have some black duct tape, a piece of cardboard, a washable marker, brown
00:23 marker, four popsicle sticks, and some scissors.
00:27 My cardboard is about 11 inches long by 4 1/2 inches.
00:35 And I'm going to cut this in half right down the middle.
00:40 Take one of the strips and you're going to make four bends.
00:43 The first one is going to be at about 4 inches.
00:47 The next one is at about 3 inches, at about 2 1/4, and then at about 3/4.
00:57 Measure one side in duct tape.
01:06 Get your other piece of cardboard and you want to measure it so that it fits right into
01:11 this space.
01:12 What we're going to do is fold it back and forth like an accordion style.
01:28 Wrap duct tape around it to secure its shape.
01:37 Take four popsicle sticks and color them brown with a marker.
01:41 Use a little bit of water to smear it.
01:44 It kind of starts to make it look like it was stained.
01:47 Then set them down to dry.
01:50 Now we can start to assemble our chair.
01:52 Go ahead and make that fold that we made at the beginning that was about 4 inches and
01:56 secure that with a piece of duct tape.
02:01 Now you're going to want to cut two notches in this little bottom part here.
02:07 Cut it big enough for the popsicle sticks to fit.
02:12 One on each side.
02:16 Score two of the popsicle sticks at about 3 inches and you can just snap it off.
02:26 Slide them in through the notches that you made.
02:35 Place the other two popsicle sticks in the back.
02:46 Then place the little box that we made right in between.
02:50 Right in there.
02:54 This piece should fold in.
03:00 Wrap a long strip of duct tape all the way around it to secure everything in place.
03:08 Now I'm going to make adjustments to make sure that my chair stands properly.
03:12 I'm going to wedge little pieces of cardboard here and there to make sure that everything
03:18 just fits and stands the way I want it to.
03:22 Move the legs to make it stand the way you want it to.
03:27 Then use duct tape to secure everything in place.
03:35 I'm going to do one final wrapping of duct tape just to make sure all my edges are nice
03:39 and neat and as clean as possible.
03:45 Use a black marker to fix any mistakes and you're done.
03:50 Happy painting!
03:51 (music)
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