What’s the reason for the end times?

  • 3 years ago
Israel recently introduced a coronavirus-tracking bracelet, ironically named the “freedom bracelet”, which lets the Israeli government track the wearer’s every move. It’s disturbing, but not surprising.

Have you ever wondered why the end times is even necessary? According to Daniel 12:7, the whole purpose of the end times is to break the stubborn will of the Jewish people. In other words, they will be humbled to the point where they will no longer trust in themselves, but finally trust in the Messiah, Jesus.

Consider that Israel makes a deal with the Antichrist. Instead of trusting in God for protection, they trust in their own ability to make peace. God calls this agreement “a deal with death.” This is exactly what Judah did. To protect themselves from Assyria, they made a deal with Egypt. They boasted about achieving peace, but God promised the agreement would be cancelled. The invasion they tried to avoid would overwhelm them. Like God said, the Assyrians invaded Judah.

In the end times, Israel will enjoy a short-lived time of peace and prosperity because of their deal with the devil. Like it was in Judah, their agreement won’t work. The same ruler Israel trusted in, the Antichrist, will invade their land and force them to worship him. They’ll have to trade in those freedom bracelets for the mark of the beast.

Fortunately, there will be a redemption, although it’ll be bloody. Zechariah 13:8-9 says two-thirds of Israel will die, but the survivors will receive the Lord. Zechariah 12:10 prophesied that Israel turns to the one they pierced, Jesus. All Israelis that survive are saved.
