Is Immigration Still A Rallying Cry in 2020?

  • 4 years ago
Nat Pop Trump Source CNN
"We will build a great wall along the Southern border."

A promise that dominated an election cycle back in 2016, but will immigration be a big-ticket item in 2020?

Experts argue that for the Trump administration, the answer is yes.

Stewart Kwoh, Executive Director Asian Americans Advancing Justice LA
00.12 "We are finding really a wholesale attack on legal and illegal immigration period."

For his part, presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden says he'll introduce immigration reform on the first day of his administration.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration has recently announced a suspension of HB-1 visas as part of a broad effort to limit immigration levels to the US.

Stewart Kwoh
0.37 "I think the suspension of those visa will harm the United States because it will destroy, or temporarily destroy the innovation that that comes with these very talented people who apply for the H1B1 visas."

0.50 "these are the people we want to emigrate to this country. They bring a knowledge base, they are value added."

What's more, ICE recently announced that international students who are pursuing degrees in the USA would have to leave the country or risk deportation if their universities switch to online-only courses.

Stewart Kwoh
01.11 "I know a lot of the universities are very worried about these new rules, because they think it will jeopardize their reputations as being welcoming to the best and brightest."

Experts argue that for the President, facing the lowest approval ratings since the start of his administration - these measures help shore up his base.

Matt Klink
1.33 "It's the equivalent of throwing red meat to wild dogs, and it gets the base motivated."

Whether the new measures by President Trump help him with swing voters remains to be seen this November.
