Woman found dead in exploded porta potty in Florida

  • 5 years ago
ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA — Authorities say they discovered a woman in a portable toilet that caught fire and went boom at a construction site in north Florida.

According to Fox 13, the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office said investigators weren't able to ID the person but they believe it was a white female.
According to Action News Jax, the porta-potty was located in front of a home under construction.
Neighbors say the portable can had been in front of the home for at least 5 months.
The homeowner told local media that no one had been scheduled to show up and work on the house.

According to the New York Daily News, an official at the sheriff's office hypothesized that the woman may have been smoking inside the porta-potty and ignited the gas fumes inside.
Fox 13 reported that neighbors reported hearing a loud boom early Saturday morning around 7 a.m and then seeing a fire.
Police say firefighters responded to the scene at 7:30 a.m. Authorities are now asking the public for help in identifying the woman.
