Boost Your Immune System by Eating the Rainbow

  • 5 years ago
Boost Your Immune System
by Eating the Rainbow It’s important for your
immune system to get the
nutrients it needs in order
to function properly. While there are some not-so-colorful foods that can benefit your body such as yogurt and garlic, thinking of your diet as a rainbow
is the best way to ensure an
optimal immune system. Red peppers are packed with antioxidants, contain a ton of vitamin C and are a great source of vitamin B6. Carrots are an amazing source of
vitamin A, which is known to improve resistance to infectious diseases. Lemons are high in minerals and vitamins which loosen toxins in the digestive tract. Leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli and cabbage provide the indole compound, which may help lower the risk of certain types of cancers. Blueberries are an antioxidant superfood, lowering blood pressure and protecting DNA from oxidation damage. Prunes increase beneficial bacteria in the colon and contain five different vitamins.
