No One Wants To Play Aamir Khan's Daughter In Dangal!

  • 5 years ago
Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan is always known for trying something new and he does the same again with his upcoming movie Dangal which is a biopic of a wrestler. But sadly not everyone is feeling the same. Many young actresses in the industry have been approached to play the role of Aamir's daughter in the movie but they have all turned it down. First we heard that the reigning queen Kangana Ranaut was to play the character of Aamir's beti but the pretty actress denied these rumours even though she was spotted partying with Mr. Khan and the director of Dangal. After Kangana's departure, it was said that newbie Tapsee Pannu will be seen in the movie but even she wasn't ready to play Aamir's daughter. Since this role is very important to the biopic, we wonder if the makers will get a nod from any actress to do it. Well, we can undertsand that even being 50 years of age, Aamir still has the boyish charm and good looks from hs younger days. And which actress would like to give up the chance to play his daughter instead of romancing him.

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