Raila Eurobond exposé sheer economic sabotage – Rotich

  • 5 years ago
National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich has termed the release of the so called ‘Eurobond names’ by Opposition leader Raila Odinga as an act of economic sabotage.

While discounting the CORD leader’s assertion that the proceeds of the Eurobond were unaccounted for, Rotich pointed out that the Opposition leader’s statements will keep away investors.

In a statement, he emphasised the need for the Kenyan people to hold him to account for lost opportunities now and in the future.

“Despite these ongoing processes, Hon Raila Odinga has persistently been making allegations that the proceeds of the Eurobond were stolen or unaccounted for. However, when asked to provide any evidence which could assist the investigative Arms of Government, he has failed consistently,” he pointed out.
