YouTube responds after subscription feed blasted by H3H3

  • 6 years ago
SAN FRANCISCO — Last week Ethan Klein of H3H3productions blasted YouTube over a experiment they're working on with the website's subscription feed.

The subscription feed is where users get the raw chronological content from channels they've subscribed to.

Klein noticed a comment from a Twitter user complaining about their subs feed, to which YouTube responded saying they were doing some testing with a small number of users with personalized content replacing most recent content first.

Klein complained YouTube was taking away the one place for users where they knew what they were getting. Currently users get recommended, trending, what to watch next and, if you're a registered YouTube user, your subscription feed.

YouTube's experiment was playing with the idea of putting more personalized content first vs the most recent video. YouTube also said the feature was optional, but as reports, the website's optimization has left creators and users alike worried about the future user-friendliness of the website.
