Toddler allergic to water, including her own sweat and tears

  • 6 years ago
HASTINGS, MINNESOTA — An 18-month-old girl suffers from a condition where she is allergic to water, including her own sweat and tears.

Ivy Angerman, from Hastings, Minnesota, was diagnosed with aquagenic urticaria in October, People reported.

It's an extremely rare condition where hives form on the skin when it comes in contact with water.

Urticaria can break out for several reasons, including food allergies, a reaction to very hot or very cold temperatures, scratching or rubbing.

Currently, the only treatment for aquagenic urticaria is taking antihistamines before being exposed to water.

Those who have the condition are also advised to wear moisture-wicking clothing and keep an even keel temperature to prevent sweating.
It can also help to take quick shower and to never bath.