In Implicit Rebuke to Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s Military Says It May ‘Step In’

  • 7 years ago
In Implicit Rebuke to Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s Military Says It May ‘Step In’
It was a bold intervention, said Stephen Chan, a professor of world politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and all the more extraordinary because General Chiwenga denounced "the current shenanigans by people who do not share the same liberation history of ZANU-PF," an indirect
but pointed reference to Mrs. Mugabe and her ally Jonathan Moyo.
Zimbabwe Defense Forces said that When it comes to matters of protecting our revolution, the military will not hesitate to step in,
13, 2017
HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe’s top military commander waded into an escalating feud within the
country’s governing party on Monday, issuing a rare warning to President Robert G. Mugabe.
Lately, however, the political party he helped found, ZANU-PF, has purged several veterans of the struggle, including Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, whom Mr. Mugabe abruptly fired last week in a move
that was widely seen as clearing the path for Mr. Mugabe’s wife, Grace, as a possible successor.
In 2008, after the first round of elections in which the Movement for Democratic Change, an opposition party led by Morgan Tsvangirai, won at the polls, the military warned
that it would not allow leaders without liberation-war credentials to take power, and 200 people died in a state-sponsored crackdown on the opposition.
