Pro-EU protest in London calls for an end to Brexit

  • 7 years ago
​Pro-European protestors gathered in central London on Saturday (September 9), demanding an exit from Brexit.

The UK government wants to pull the country out of the European Union by 2019. But Vince Cable, leader of the opposition Liberal Democrats, is calling for a new referendum once Britain agrees the terms of departure.

“Brexit may never happen, probability is it will, but we keep fighting,” Cable said as demonstrators prepared to march through the British capital. “But at the end of it, you know, the public should decide. They decided on setting out on this journey, they have not decided at the end whether they are happy with the destination.”

“If Brexit does go ahead, I think we will almost return to a third-world country status,” one protestor said, echoing the fears of many of Britain’s so-called “remainers.”

Britain voted in June 2016 to withdraw from the 28-nation EU bloc. But talks negotiating the divorce have stalled because of disputes over how much the UK owes Brussels in existing obligations.​
