Poll: Just 37% Want Obamacare Repealed And Replaced

  • 7 years ago
A new poll shows that most Americans prefer making improvements to Obamacare over the plan to repeal and replace it.

President Trump and many Republicans intend to move forward with another effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. 
However, based on an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted between April 17 and 20, most Americans prefer they not do that. 
61% of respondents expressed support for keeping and working to improve the health care plan in place, while only 37% indicated they’d like to see it gone. 79% said Trump should invest in the Affordable Care Act’s success rather than expend time and energy ensuring its failure. 
A previous ABC/Post poll on the matter, which was conducted in January, produced more even results—46% opposed to repeal and 47% in favor. Notably, at that time, the option of improvement was not presented and the details of the proposed replacement were not yet known. 
It remains unknown what the next proposed plan for health care will include, but President Trump has expressed confidence in its success.
On Monday, he tweeted, “If our healthcare plan is approved, you will see real healthcare and premiums will start tumbling down. ObamaCare is in a death spiral!” 
That same day, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said during a press briefing, “…we're going to continue to push for health care reform. We feel very good about the direction that it's going in. It's been very positive.”
