Photography Lessons: Nature Pictures, Shelf Cloud Formations

  • 16 ปีที่แล้ว - What 'nature pictures' do you see when you look deep into thunderstorms or gaze in amazement at shelf cloud formations and just let yourself imagine?

No words can really express the stunning and magnificent beauty of nature when she greets us with storms...

My own passion exists to observe 'cloud figures' ... animals and creatures in the clouds that I 'imagineer' and see, and then capture into digital images.

And honestly, I'm not sure if I'm looking at altostratus, cirrostratus or stratocumulus... or that the names really matter!

For me, it's about being totally in the moment. I feel compelled to capture cloud photography to the best of my ability...

And bring these cloud pictures to the world.

To do this involves having some basic photography lessons under your belt, and continuing to shoot often. But one of the best ways to learn photography skills is just by going and doing it...

You might have to get wet.

You might have to get a little dirty...

But the resulting nature pictures you get will IMPRESS us all!

And so that you're prepared for those terrific cloud formations when they arrive...

This page will help...

Imagination IS everything!
