Obama hopes to calm global nerves on final presidential trip

  • 8 years ago
President Obama will travel to Europe Monday and then South Africa to try and alleviate global concerns surrounding President-elect Donald Trump.
Obama met with Trump last week, but not much came from their sitdown.
The two have been quoted as saying they seek a peaceful transition of power and White House press secretary Josh Earnest echoed that.
“Presidents in both parties have been committed to investing in those alliances.
That’s certainly what has happened in the past," Earnest said.
The Los Angeles Times reports that Obama had hoped to use this trip to "reassure European allies and pledge support for shared policies."
Trump changed all that.
He hasn't elaborated all that much on his foreign policy plans even as he cast himself as an opponent of existing trade agreements, the Iran nuclear deal and much of Obama’s military strategy.
Obama wants to be frank about the concerns and aspirations of Americans who elected Trump, according to one senior aide.
