Otakon 2010 Fire Alarm evacuation

  • 8 yıl önce
Well on Saturday (7/31), in the mid afternoon, as a good chunk of Otakon was waiting in line to see the second Gurren Lagaan film, we all start hearing whats sounds like someone with a recorder (the instrument) playing a single note, over and over again. For a bit we were all like STFU we dont need white noise! We soon found out however that it was the fire alarm. Soon enough the ENTIRE Baltimore Convention center was evacuated. Just imagine tryin to get close to 30,000 people to evacuate at once, in an orderly fashion. Talk about controlled chaos.\r
And despite what youve heard, it was a grease fire. Theres enough evidence, enough Otakon staff were loose lipped to say it was a grease fire. The official word though remains it was a false alarm. But enough sources tell me that the false alarm story is a cover for a real (but clearly small) grease fire. For those whove never been to Otakon, theres prolly 4 or 5 small kitchens spread around the convention center that cook and serve food to con goers. One in the dealers room, one in the artist alley, and a couple more spread around. I passed by most later on and all were open, so it wasnt major.\r
Also, not long after we got back inside, some idiot decides to set off the security alarm. Everyone, literally everyone, booed and hollered at that,. Luckly it was shut off quickly, with a resounding yay!
