Salman Khan To Perform At Dubai’s Arab Indo Bollywood Awards

  • 9 years ago
Salman Khan, who has lost no time getting back to work following the suspension of his 5-year jail term, will be performing at Arab Indo Bollywood Awards at Meydan racecourse, in Dubai.
Yeah…Khan’s sentence for killing a homeless man with his SUV after a night out drinking 13 years ago was suspended, pending an appeal.
Khan will lead a lineup of top actors scheduled to perform at the Arab Indo Bollywood Awards, including Jacqueline Fernandez, Priyanka Chopra, Parineethi Chopra, Varun Dhawan, Kanika Kapoor and Neha Dhupia, who count among more than 150 celebrities and stars from the Middle East and the UAE.
The event, the first of its kind in the Middle East, will be hosted by TV presenter Manish Paul and the ace filmmaker Karan Johar, and will be preceded by a red carpet event where celebrities will meet and greet fans. Want to know more…stay connected to us!
