Rev. Al Sharpton calls for national march in DC to protest police violence

  • 9 years ago

U.S. Civil rights activist, Rev. Al Sharpton says there will be a national march in Washington, D.C. on Saturday (December 13) to protest police violence in the U.S. He made the announcement after a New York City grand jury decision not to charge a white police officer who killed an unarmed black man with a chokehold sparked outrage and protests on Wednesday (December 3), and the U.S. Justice Department said it would investigate the incident.

Eric Garner, a 43-year-old father of six, was illegally selling cigarettes on July 17 when police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold. Police said he had been resisting arrest. The city's medical examiner ruled the death a homicide. The deadly encounter on Staten Island, New York City's smallest borough, was captured on video, which quickly spread over the Internet and fueled debate about how U.S. police use force, particularly against minorities.

Last week, a grand jury in Missouri d
