Universe Secrett

A Hinglish Science and Interesting Info channel from a science lover to science lover.

Hii Friend,I am Ishu and I welcome you all to this universe and science channel,UNIVERSESECRETT!! Through this channel I want to provide to my viewer knowledge as well as live update news related to space,science and physics.
We will talk about all the weird,live,amazing,mysterious and interesting fact that may look like unbelievable but they are scientific and strangely true. In this channel all the viewer easily get the list of video related to science,space,strange,interesting and mysterious topic about our universe,physics as well as environment.
So "BE SMART & BE ACTIVE" that leads by the inspiration thought "SECRET IS THE'LAW OF ATTRACTION'" And I need you all the people as the members of this family!! So Follow us to be a part of us.

BE CONTINUE...........