Tim van der Vliet

My training is called Optimize. It gives you tools to optimize your life, both physically and mentally.

Practically, this can mean that you may drop or gain weight (whatever you need), use techniques that can help you get the most out of your sport practice or your work life, live relatively stress free and to become truly resilient.

This is Optimize in more detail., Practically, this can mean that you may drop or gain weight (whatever you need), use techniques that can help you get the most out of your sport practice or your work life, live relatively stress free and to become truly resilient.

Through the Optimize technique eventually you will only need to exercise between 2-10 minutes per day, average 30-60 minutes per week. You can eat and drink what you want and your body will still be in balance. No more time for BS. It is time to live life optimally.

The Optimize Technique uses 5 pillars., 1) Deep mindset training through the Power of Paradox. 2) Nutrition – anything is allowed. 3) Work out smarter through low intensity workout. 4) Breathing techniques and 5) Cold training. All these pillars you can practice by yourself.

Do you want to breathe live with me? Check out my membership section to get access to 3 different perks. Perk 2 is 3 times a week live breathing with me.

Check out my online courses or my events page if you want to dive in deeper.
Online: https://www.timvandervliet.com/online/
Events: https://www.timvandervliet.com/events/list/

See where in the world I come and teach the Wim Hof Method. Maybe near you! https://www.wimhofmethod.com/activities/trainer/tim-van-vliet

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