Cuddle Monsta Gamer

MY MISSION? Overcome my fear of trying something new and different and doing it in front of others.

No matter how bad I am at whatever task I am attempting (playing game, setting up twitch, live streams), I am still going to try and make it better with every attempt.

Even by making a fool of myself online to a critical audience.

I might even be mildly amusing at times. (In my mind maybe)

I am building content on this channel around horror PC gaming stippled with animation and stories.


⚡WARNING⚡ for FOUL LANGUAGE (My dad was military and had colorful language skills)

About Me?
Here comes the hard part. I have no hidden talents and I am quite ordinary. I live in Washington state with my purfect goddess-like kitty cats, try to indulge in copious amounts of chocolate , cinnamon tea, gaming, animation, movies and trivia, dungeons and dragons, stories, hiking, talking to myself often and lots of experimentation; which helps in minuscule ways of keeping the voices in my head quiet and in check. Seriously.

I pour ketchup on my cold pizza and I don't wear pants because I don't want to.

I am borderline "hikikomori." I spend a lot of time researching different topics that fascinate me. I'm socially awkward; usually saying something inappropriate or doing something ridiculous out of the blue.

My intent is to create content that some people may find useful or "mildly" amusing.

If nothing else, my channel could inspire someone else with the confidence to strike out on their own and kick some serious butt.

Cuddle with the Monsta!

Stay safe, stay sane.