The Ruby Tuesday

The Ruby Tuesday. We aim to entertain and not in a Gladiator way, (we don't have the budget for lions). With a Geeky and somewhat Nerdy weekly round up of all things Film, TV, and gaming News in a show Called Tuesday Newsday - Yes you've guessed it. It's on Tuesday's, every week and sometime more than Tuesday, cause we can, so look out for that. On Friday's at 5.30, weekly. Netflix Friday or Top Ten Friday or Popcorn Friday for movie and tv reviews are our show son all things Netflix and Tops Ten's and media. We also have K's recipe for Disaster with Kirstin's latest teachings in her how to series..Special Effects Makeup. Thanks for reading the ramblings of the beard and it's face and welcome to therubytuesday. Ruben Lee Shaw - yes the Lee if you were asking is of course from the Bruce.