Razi Salih

Razi Salih is a businessman and entrepreneur with directorships at All New Investments Ltd, Paytick UAB and XE Prime Ventures. Salih is the co-founder of XE Prime Ventures Ltd which was established in August 2017, and he more recently became Director of All New Investments Ltd at the start of 2019.

With many years of experience in the Fintech industry – the crossover between finance and technology – Razi Salih has been involved with numerous related business ventures and projects. Salih’s Fintech experience includes projects that utilise blockchain technology as well as investment services and ecommerce payment solutions.

As an entrepreneur, Salih has a range of other interests, including real estate, advertising and digital marketing. Razi Salih gained a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Business at the Ariel University, majoring in Business Management.

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