how to make money online

Social media is the number one money making network right now and anyone who is looking to become self-employed should look into marketing on social media. With that said, it is not always easy for beginners on social networks to make money without the training. There are many training courses out there that do go through with members how to get started, but if someone does not have the initial capital to get into those courses, what should they do? I designed this channel after many research into many programs, courses, and training' (becoming broke and credit debt ridden before getting back up) to put together the easiest and best way for beginners on social media to make money, because I was once one of those people who was in desperate need of just one way to make legit money online legally and fast with zero capital. I hope everyone who watches this videos will be able to get an idea of at least a place to start looking and get the financial help they need at this certain moment in their lives. And all the videos I will be posting will show you exactly how to do that in less than an hour. Please subscribe to support if you receive any form of help at all from what you watch. I hope to be able to reach every individual that wants to be self sufficient enough to support their family in this drastic times; break the corporate chain and be free. Aim for the wide sea not the narrow stream.