
In 1963, the first ray of light entered the soul of Chafic W. ARISS.

A decade later, in 1973, Chafic's inner call to immortalize the beauty of what he sees had awakened, and his focus turned to photography.

Through passing time he gained experience, but it was the dominant element of curiosity which drove young Chafic to dig deeper and deeper into this art. He specialized in the eternal dance of light and shadow, and took himself down the road to mastering the harmony of lighting.

For without perfect lighting, there is no perfect photography.

Although he enjoys landscapes, babies, sports and weddings, capturing the soul of a person and immortalizing that essence in a picture is what ignites the flame inside his heart.

To Chafic W. ARISS, true love lies in the art of portraits images, especially those taken outdoors, spontaneously and with all the natural flow that comes with it as it is his firm belief that photographs should always be bright and well lit, never dark and never dim.

Moreover, studio photography is something he avoids, "It adds a certain plastic or fake feeling to my pictures, and I don't like that."

Over his years of expertise, his range of clientele grew beyond the boundaries of local photography and into the international scene, to include worldwide clientele and become the first choice of superstars all over the world.

Always equipped with the latest tools in photography, Chafic W. ARISS maintains an array of media projects which completely cover wedding photography, video media and in house post production as well as a wide portfolio of wedding planners available for advisory and consultation.

And last but surely not least, Chafic believes that an artist's work should bear his name for eternity. It is therefore crucial to preserve signatures and watermarks on all photographs taken and absolutely keep away from cropping and meddling with the work done.