Director. Producer. YouTube/Fullscreen partner since 2011 with over 1300+ videos. Now partnered with Dailymotion!

-HD, 1080p, High Quality Gameplay, Walkthroughs, Let's Plays, Unboxings, Trailers and Reviews.
-1300+ videos (soon to be uploaded here). Optimized for mobile devices.
-I like a challenge. Disable assists. Hard. Expert. Let's do it!
-Graphics are overrated. I like Story and Narrative. Cutscenes. Art and level design. Motion Capture. Concept art. Dialogue. Voice over. Character development. Sound. Game music and Composers.
-Little to no Multiplayer or PvP. Mostly single player and competing against AI or bots. This is by design... I have friends.
-No obnoxious or annoying commentary. No cross chat or multiple parties talking over one another.

I don't discriminate. Indie to AAA, if it looks interesting I'll play it. Platforming, action-adventure, puzzle, RPG and racing are some of my favorites.
Feedback is always welcome but keep it respectful, constructive and coherent. I can be contacted by PM or Twitter @NiZZULiVE.